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主页 > 牛皮癣症状


来源:合肥银康银屑病医院 发布时间:2024-09-23





总之,银屑病是一种需要综合治疗的疾病,患者在治疗过程中要注意根据个体情况进行选药、控制症状并定期复诊。 。

Some possible English translations for the Chinese text (note that different translations may be possible, and this is just one version):

Psoriasis topical ointment

Psoriasis topical ointment is a commonly used external medication in the treatment of psoriasis, consisting mainly of urea and sulfur. The ointment can help alleviate itching and scaling, improve skin texture, accelerate skin cell metabolism, and promote exfoliation of the stratum corneum, with the aim of improving psoriasis symptoms.

The method of use for psoriasis topical ointment is to first clean the affected area, then apply the ointment to the skin and cover it with gauze to allow for penetration and absorption. When using it, excessive rubbing or scratching of the affected area should be avoided to prevent aggravation of skin inflammation.

Although psoriasis topical ointment has a significant effect in relieving symptoms, its scope of application has certain limitations. The ointment is mainly suitable for mild psoriasis patients, while its effect on severe patients is relatively weak. In addition, some people may experience discomfort such as stinging or burning when using the ointment, so caution is required when using it, and medical guidance should be followed.

In addition to topical ointments, the treatment of psoriasis also needs to be combined with other medications and treatment methods for comprehensive treatment to achieve better efficacy. For example, oral medications such as immunosuppressants, biologics, retinoid derivatives, etc., can regulate immune function and inhibit inflammatory reactions to help patients relieve symptoms; physical treatments such as light therapy, laser therapy, etc., can accelerate skin cell metabolism and promote skin repair.

In summary, psoriasis is a disease that requires comprehensive treatment. Patients should pay attention to drug selection and symptom control according to individual situations during the treatment process, and undergo regular follow-up visits.